Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Technical Difficulties

As I have said before, I am not a very computer-savvy person.  This applies to the internet, figuring out how to do things on the computer itself, social media, etc.  I'm trying to get better.  The images of the paintings I posted earlier are unedited and not very good, because after I edited them they were too huge to upload onto the internet.  I used to know how to do all of this using photoshop, but I refuse to put that beast back on my computer, and am instead trying to figure out alternative methods.

Here is a new one, and hopefully looks better than the others:

The Family Tree
Acrylic on Canvas
These are the renditions of many of the ancestors to Homo sapien.  Starting with ourselves and working backwards in time, those others included are Archaic Homo sapien, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo erectus, Homo habilus, Australopithecus robustus, Austalopithecus boisei, Australopithecus africanus, Proconsul africanus, and Aegyptopithecus.  The background is a series of bone cells. (This was a happy accident- I was bored with how the background was originally, so I just started painting concentric circles.  My friend came over and pointed out that they look like bone cells- perfect!)


  1. There sure is. It's right between Australopithecus robustus and Homo habilus.
