Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I'm super sad because I've come to the realization that I can't eat like a normal person.  I have to say goodbye to all dairy, including cheese, which is my all-time favorite food.  Goodbye red meat, goodbye  lots of fruit and uncooked vegetables.  So sad.  I am basically a bread-atarian.  For now.  Let's see how long it takes me to die from malnourishment.

Aside from that everything is going in the right direction.  I sold an old piece, "Brain", which was part of the "Systems" set, to a guy as a gift for his girlfriend who is a brain surgeon or something.

Selling the old stuff makes me happy, although now it might be harder to find a home for his buddy.

I have a few new pieces:

Tree Deer
Acrylic and Collage on Canvas
12" x 12"

This was kind of meant to be a festive, holiday piece.  It started out being way more Christmas-y, but I'm not about to start making Christmas-specific art, so it underwent some changes.  I love deer.

Cheap Thrills/Land Octopus Returns
Acrylic and Ink on Canvas
12" x 9"

This is the same octopus from an earlier painting.  I've decided he is a character , and en evil one at that.  My aunt thinks I should start illustrating books.  This guy would be in one if I did.

On December 6th Pottery Barn is hosting a fundraiser auction for a children's hospital at Fortunate Discoveries, where my paintings are.  They gave us these really boring, empty frames from a furniture sale or something, and the artists were supposed to do something with it to be donated to the auction.  This is what I came up with:

Empty Landscape
Scuply Clay, Rice Paper and Acrylic on Paper and Wood
14" x 18"

I had a lot of fun doing this.  It was nice to work with different materials for a change.  I think I might do some more of these.  The only problem is I have to figure out how to photograph 3-D material better.  I might have to bite the bullet and invest in Photoshop.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pleistocene Pop

I finally caved and put up an album of my paintings on Facebook.  Why I waited so long, I don't know, because people responded.  My friend Malaika entitled my work "Pleistocene Pop," which I love and makes me happy.  Even though a lot of my work has nothing to do content-wise with prehistory, I've been drawing on this plethora of knowledge that we don't have about the past, which makes imagination easy.  Imagine what it was like when saber-tooth tigers ruled the planet! When homo erectus interacted with the environment!  It's so exciting.

I've also been looking at a lot of LowBrow artists recently.  I don't consider myself or my work LowBrow, but I don't know under what other genre my work would fall.  What other poppy art movements are happening right now?  I'm also severely uneducated, the art-school-dropout.  I don't want to fall into this trap of labeling myself though, because that's always been way uncool.  You can't label yourself, you need other people to do it for you, hence my newly coined style of Pleistocene Pop.  I also just read this blog entry about why the LowBrow movement is not fine art:  In my opinion, this guy and his opinions are also a bunch of crap, but I also unfortunately agree with some of the things he says.  I just can't stand people on their high horses in the art world.  I'm talking to you, my former professors.

(Side note: There was this one woman I had twice in art school, whose name I can't remember, but she was the most condescending, snobby bitch I've ever come across, and she made me feel so terrible about my work, even though I actually made some good stuff for her classes.  I wish I could remember her name so I could slander her in my blog.)

This is the painting that prompted "Pleistocene Pop":

Woolly Mammoths Meet the Future
Acrylic on Canvas
9" x 9" x 2"

This picture was taken with my iphone because my camera stopped working, thus the shadow across it and the poor quality.  I will invest in a new camera and take a better picture of it.